A man, who is thinking of going bald, generally takes into account some major factors before making his decision: "Do women like bald men?", “What do they say about bald men?”, “Are bald men as attractive for them as those with a head full of hair” etc. We have written this article based on the answers of hundreds of women surveyed to make it easier for you to decide whether to go for it or not!
After reading the article you will find answers to the following questions:

Let’s discover the causes of hair loss and figure out the feelings of a balding man, before presenting the results of the survey.
What are the reasons for losing hair?
More than 50% of men have significant signs of hair loss at the age of 50 and it reaches 4 out of 5 men by the age of 70. Moreover, nowadays, the younger generation starts to fight hair loss at an earlier age, compared to a few centuries back. According to research conducted by the NHS, 25% of men, suffering from Male Pattern Baldness (MPB), start losing hair by the age of 20-21. The reasons for hair loss are very individual and we have mentioned some of them below:

What a balding man feels like?
Have you ever been obliged to do anything that you didn’t actually want to and were unsure whether it would be good for you? If so, you may probably understand a man who is losing his hair and is to shave his head.
When men notice their receding hairline, they often become very self-conscious. This is because they think they are losing attractiveness and are beginning to show signs of ageing. Therefore, any balding man tries to find a fast and effective solution. Firstly, he evaluates all the pros and cons of being bald, secondly, he looks for the best way to shave their heads and finally makes a decision!
Whether you will look good with a shaved head or not mostly depends on you: if you will turn up your look with a beard, or whether you will work harder on your body and all the other features which can add attractiveness to your look, is your choice.
The New Research
We have recently surveyed 1000 women to figure out the answer to this question: “What should one work on to rock his bald look?”
Let’s see what women advise:
46.2% of women advised bald men to be more confident in themselves and in the people around them as well
36.8% recommended growing a nice piece of beard
12.7% suggested concentrating on having a fit and masculine body
10% of women find that getting a tattoo is a good way to rock a bald look
8.8% think fashion look will help to rock a shaved-headed look
6.4% of women think bald men are attractive, sexy and bald rocks by itself
What is women’s attitude towards bald or shaved-headed men? Do women like bald men?
Hundreds of women of different ages and habits have been surveyed to find out the answers to the most frequent questions. You might now be thinking most women gave negative answers? Don’t hurry to jump to conclusions, read further, as there are lots of surprising and cheerful facts for you!
So, for the questions “Do women like bald men?” the overwhelming majority of women gave positive answers. 87.5% of women of different ages and nationalities surveyed find bald men attractive compared to only 12.5% of women, who gave negative answer.
Let’s see what they say about bald guys:

“What do women think of bald or shaved-head men?”
Many women approved that the decisive factor is not the hair or its absence, but the personality of the man. Some women even mentioned they see baldness as a form of nakedness which appears to be a sign of honesty, thus making it easier to trust bald men.
Another group of women finds hair loss a secondary and non-significant factor. Moreover, they pay much more attention to a man’s sense of humour and other personal characteristics such as intelligence, sociability, confidence rather than the hair on the head. A reasonable woman would never choose his soulmate based on his facial appearance. And for those who will, they hardly deserve your attention.
Dozens of women said, quite often the face and the head shape of a man is something which looks perfect with a bald head. Usually, by saying this, women refer to celebrities such as Bruce Willis, Patrick Stewart, Jason Statham, Dwayne Johnson. Also, the answer to the question "Is a shaved head unattractive?" was a solid “no”.
Another reassuring fact for bald men - women appreciate when men shave their head rather than try to camouflage their hair loss. It is seen as a self-confident act which makes them admire the man. Moreover, women and shaved headed woman say what matters isn't hair, but confidence: in that case hair or lack of it does not matter that much. Women like when men take care of themselves, thus a sleek and well-groomed look is always appreciable․
Let’s have a look at what did women say. Users from Quora and Reddit:
“According to all the information my adolescent brain had available, the baldest man I knew was, for reasons completely unrelated and peripheral, the most compelling example of manhood EVER.”
“If you are good with it.. confident..hot enough and at the end of the day INTELLECTUAL. You being bald won't matter. be confident and carry it smartly. ”
“Women respect and appreciate men for who they are and not for how they look. And if someone says, looks are everything, that's just matter, I can't advocate for other women, but personally, I'd much rather prefer a bald man with a firebrand attitude as compared to a man with amazingly long locks.”
“When did hair become criteria for judging a man? There are several other things to worry about.. ;) As long as the man likes his style and carries it off well, how does it matter if he is bald or sports a Mohawk?! What makes you hot and likable is your personality, not just your hairstyle..”
“Do women find bald men attractive?”
Don't assume that your baldness is the cause behind all rejections that you experience. A vast majority of surveyed women, confirmed that actually, the hair loss isn’t what matters but who a man is, and that is what makes a man attractive. So the answer is absolutely YES! Man’s attitude towards his own look and the way he sees himself directly affects the women’s attitude. More often, women do not just go for looks, they appreciate personality, mannerisms, and overall charisma of a person.
As we all know, women generally are attracted to the following characteristics of men, roughly in the following proportions:
Physical: look, appearance, symmetry: 20%
Material: wealth, taste, capabilities: 40%
Social: attractiveness to other women, confidence, leadership: 40%
“It's all about confidence, charisma and personality.
If you have these 3 features, baldness will not make a difference to attract the right kind of people with the right vibes (^_^)”
“The least attractive thing is being ashamed of it or trying to hide it. The only times when thinning is ugly, is when it's paired with an incongruous haircut, eg bald on top, then long hair at the sides.
But bald all over, or really close-cropped, can be really hot, depending on whether you have a nicely-shaped head. If you do have a nicely-shaped head, go bald. If not, then keep your hair short, but perhaps strategically cut it shorter in some areas than others.”
“Well, in my opinion, some look better without hair and some don't. Some look pretty badass but it's not the being bald that's the main reason for that, it just contributes to the look. To me, hair or the lack of it isn't a deciding factor if I find a man attractive.”
“All that matters is the inner beauty and the inner personality of a person if anyone fails to appreciate that you'll only lead to dissatisfaction later on. I agree the first thing anyone observes about a person is the physical appearance. But there's a lot more to learn and appreciate about another person rather than his/her physical beauty.
He can always consult a good dermatologist and regain his lost hair. If that's the main concern for you.
My advice is just meet him get to know him if your personality matches with him voila you've got yourself a perfect match.”
“I'm not sure why, but some peoples' head shapes and facial features just look good without hair - just as people may look better or worse with different hairstyles.”
“I find guys that are losing hair, who just doesn’t care and shave everything off shows a lot of confidence and I personally find that attractive.
Some guys may have nice hair, but has a weak jaw, overweight, or with terrible posture, etc… then that thick hair won’t do much for him.”
“Do women mind dating with a bald man?”
The vast preponderance of women answering this question mentioned being bald is not an obstacle to date. However, the external appearance is also very important, especially for the first meeting. Women recommended men to complete their look with some nice piece of beard, fashion glasses and other fashion accessories to make the best of their bald look.
Users from Reddit and Quora:
“I am willing to date any man who understands my career priorities, my responsibility towards my family is loyal and intelligent. With or without hair.”
“I'm already dating someone who makes me burst out laughing on my phone in crosswalks. If he were bald, though, I'd still date with him.”
“Yep, some women hate it and won't even consider dating a man with thinning hair or who is completely bald. These women are shallow idiots, who think the admiration of their friends of their boyfriend is very important. I'm not some really deep person who only looks at inner beauty ... I like outer beauty, but if he has less hair on his head than others, well there are bigger issues and I've certainly dated my fair share of the follically challenged. I believe most women are like me on this one.”
“Yes, I have dated both bald men and men with hair, and I have no preference at all. This question is very subjective and it will vary from woman to woman.
But my most recent date was with a guy w/out hair and the only drawback is that they're always ready to go- it takes them no time to get ready so they will likely be waiting for you more often. But that's the only drawback in my opinion. :)”
“Would women marry a bald man?”
Marriage is not a game and is believed to be one of the most important decisions in our lives. But everyone has comprised something in their marriage as not a thing is perfect in this world.
Most women will marry a man without even thinking whether he is bald or not and there will be some, for whom being bald may be an obstacle for marriage. But one thing is true, not a single loving woman will leave his beloved one because of losing hair. However, we are not here to judge women but to present what they say.
Users from Quora:
“I don’t know if you could call me a ‘beautiful’ girl, but yes I’d marry a bald man, no doubt. Bald men are hot unless they’re fat.”
“I don’t really know whether girls, in general, would like to marry a bald man or not; because I cannot say for everyone and I also do not happen to be some poll-conducting agency but I’ve seen a lot of girls getting married to bald men for real.”
“I'm a woman, not a girl.. and I will answer from a woman's perspective. I am not averse to bald guys. It is the confidence with which a man holds himself that attracts a woman. It doesn't matter if you are tall or short, of athletic build or overweight, bald or having a full head of hair… Hold yourself with confidence and attitude. It's enough .. I know it sounds like a generic answer but it is the truth. I have seen guys that have no good looks, but with a Twinkle of their eye, mesmerizing a crowd full of women. It is all about confidence. And as to marrying one, why not? It is not something a woman would mind.”
“What would women advise a man who is losing hair and is going bald?”
In fact, men are the ones to be anxious to lose hair and get bald. But what if you yourselves start looking at it from another perspective? Did you know that the majority of women prove the way they see and treat a bald man directly depends on the men’s attitude and his further behaviour? If you are self-confident enough and like your own appearance, women will look at your baldness as an advantage and the answer to the question "Do women find bald men sexy" will be YES. Moreover, women love your overall appearance, your character and you as a human being.
Most women recommended men to be proud of being bald, but, also accompany the bald look with a nice beard and a fit body.
Women find this to be a great way to emphasize the masculine and tough side of a guy and create an extremely attractive and charming look. The statistics showed that pictures of bald men with a beard were rated by women 6 % more confident, 10 % more masculine, 13 % more dominant, about an inch taller and 13 % stronger than the pictures of men with a head full of hair.
Users from Quora:
“You just have to be smarter about it. You absolutely MUST be self-confident and you must feel good about yourself (which can be hard when you hear bald jokes all the time). Stay in shape, too! If you allow your baldness to fuel your insecurity, you will create a vicious cycle that will be hard to break. BE CONFIDENT. BE BOLD. LOVE WHO YOU ARE.”
“Work on accepting and being whole with yourself, just the way you are.”
Top 5 attractive bald men in 2023
Here you will find the top 5 of the most attractive bald men in 2023!
When I was young I use to idolize a character on tv by the name of Kojak played by Telly Savalas. I swore that I was never going to do a comb over. In my 20’s my hair started to really thin. I kept thinking of Telly and the confidence he portrayed. When I shaved it off I felt like the world looked at me differently ……… that ladies looked at me a little differently in a positive way. My wife absolutely loves me bald. When I let it go and don’t shave for a week or so she starts getting on me. Shave it off, look in the mirrow and take pride. Purchase some new clothes that make you feel good. I lost some weight and fit into size 32 pants ………. I am about 176 pounds and for 50 feel better about myself now then I ever have.
Wow the cope here is real….
Thank you iam bald the comments you are real good just like ages it is just a number keep up the good work thanks ladies